Deep Waters: Lift Your Gaze 
Book Study Facilitator's Guide

  • Meeting Start & Announcements: 4 min

    1. Confidentiality: it’s important to maintain an environment of confidentiality. Everything that is said during the meeting stays in the meeting. If we are not part of the problem or solution, we shouldn't be repeating it. 

    2. End Time: It’s our goal to have this book study end at [enter end time] to respect everybody’s time. If, as the leader, I have to cut you off it's not because what you’re saying isn't awesome or amazing or super encouraging, it is because I want to respect everybody’s time and have us end at [enter end time].

    3. There are no “dumb” questions. In this group, you have the freedom to ask anything. If I don’t know the answers, I will find out for you. 

    Note: It’s really important to make these announcements at the start of every meeting to create and re-establish a safe environment. As the group facilitator/leader it is your job to reaffirm a safe environment for your entire group.

  • Opening Prayer: 5 min.

    Pray out loud in a short prayer asking the Holy Spirit to lead you and the study.

  • Group Chapter Review: 30 min.

    1. Have someone read out loud the scripture verses at the beginning of the chapter.

    2. What stood out to you in the chapter?

    3. What was your favorite part(s)?

    4. Did you have any questions?

    5. Have someone read the prophetic word/poem (inside the first large gray box) out loud.

    6. Have another person read the intercessory prayer out loud (the next large gray box). 

    Note: If people are struggling to share, read out loud the small gray boxes and ask them what they think about them. Make sure you save 5-7 min. at the end to read out loud the large gray boxes (prophetic word & intercessory prayer). These two are the most powerful portions of the open discussion. 

  • Group Application Questions: 10 min.

    Pick one or two questions beforehand to have everyone in the group answer out loud (I just go around the room and ask everyone to answer). 

    Note: Allow people to share their heart at this point. Make it an encouraging, judgment-free zone.

  • Group Prayer: 10 min.

    Have everyone give a one or two-sentence prayer request. Tell everyone they will be praying for the person next to them (right or left -- you decide). 

    1. Encourage everyone to write down all the prayer requests.

    2. Go around the room and have everyone give 1-3 prayer requests out loud.  Encourage the ladies to not share other people's sins, just their prayer personal requests.

    3. Pick someone to open the prayer and go around the room having the person pray for the person next to them. 

    4. As the leader, you close in prayer and include the prayer requests of everyone else who isn't able to be there. 

    Note: Another VERY important part of the meeting. DO NOT SKIP THIS PORTION. This is the most powerful way to quickly and firmly build spiritual intimacy and fellowship within your group. 

  • Meeting End: 1 min.

    1. Give them instructions on what to read for your next meeting

    2. Tell them when you are going to meet again.

    3. If possible, give them a hug or fist bump to end the meeting.

    4. Don’t forget to smile.

  • Final Notes

    You're so going to rock this! I’m proud of you stepping out in faith to lead this group. Feel free to email us with any questions at 

    I’m praying for you and your group. And remember, God's got this and God's got you. 

    Lift Your Gaze, 

    Kim M. Clark

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